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ליטל לוזון


2010-2013 · Nissan Nativ Acting   Studio

  • Was awarded a Major Scholarship for great monologues performance.

  • Finished with excellence among the class.

  • Over the last year of   studies, performed at about 70 different shows and acts.

2013-2014 · Ruth Dytches Acting   School

2014-2015 · A privet Course in London   at "film met school" with the teacher ANNE WOLBER

ליטל לוזון


Television and cinema

  • "Daughters of   eve" character lea, main role. CTS production T.V   SERIOS in CANADA broadcast at "YES" TV in the U.S.A and Canada

  • Participate at the Israeli movie "director fear" directed by Dan wallman

  • Main role at a video clip that broadcast at channel "24"

  • An educational movie  "indentity"

  • An educational movie "shamita"

  • Boxing campaign

  • Face model at catalogs for companies

  • A variety of students movie

Other And special skills


  • Hebrew – Native.

  • English – Fluent.

Other Info

Playing the guitar

playing the piano



Played soccer for 8 years



  • Main role at "MUSRRA" a theater   show about the Israeli " black panthers" running for 4 years   and continue. Directed by hadar galron.

  • Main role at "hey you out   there" a theatre show directed by "moshe kalif"

  • Maggi and brik a theater show directed by "Lilach dekel"

  • Covers show at "tzavta" songs with only piano

  • Assistant director of hadar galron at the the theater show "shameless heir"

  • "The unfortunate murderer" theater show directed by Mish luria.


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